
Essene Activities and Photos of Church Members

Day of Greenleaf, founder of the modern era Essene Church of Christ, in 2019. Some of the following photos picture him at earlier ages.
Day in 2019.
Day in 2019.
Day in 2019.
Day in 2019.
Day in Jamaica, 1999.
Day (and son) in the late 1980s with Purcel Weaver, First English Translator of Edmond Szekely’s French edition of ‘Essene Gospel of Peace’.
Day (far left) on long Peace Walk with Buddhist monks, 1982.
Day, 1992.
Day was walking on the beach in Jamaica and came across this Rasta Vegetarian Juice Bar!
Day gets wet in Jamaica, 1999. He admits the photo would be more interesting if he were walking on the water!
Day visits Essene Rasta friends in Jamaica, 1999.
Day in Jamaica, 1999. He distributed free copies of the Megillah in his ‘Holy Qara Phase One.’
The tail end of a long line of new Essenes receiving baptism from Day in California.
Day in center of Opening Circle at an Essene Gathering in 1990.
This is Rancho La Puerta, an Essene Wellness Center established by Edmond Szekely in Mexico. This photo is from the 1980’s but Szekely founded the center in the 1930’s.
Another view of Szekely’s Rancho La Puerta. Day was told that the grape vines were planted in the 1930’s; at the time Day took the photo they were 50 years old and still excellent producers.
A late 1980’s photo of Day standing in front of the house Edmond Szekely lived in from 1940 to 1950 before the newer buildings were built at Rancho La Puerta.
Day took this photo of a Mexican style Essene Tree of Life at Rancho La Puerta.
After Edmond Szekely’s death around 1980 or so, this statue of him was placed at Rancho La Puerta. Day says, “If he were alive he would have vetoed the idea!”
Szekely in a toga in the 1940’s.
Day and Patricia Braggs (owner of Braggs’ Health Food Products) at Edmond Szekely’s grave after his funeral. He died in Costa Rica but once his body was returned to Rancho La Puerta in Mexico, we San Diego area Essenes held a memorial service.
Day says, “Peace be with you!” 1992.
Day also says, “Peace be with you!”
Day’s senior picture, 1975/76.
Two of the artworks that grace the walls at Day’s Essene Ashram called Essene Garden of Peace.
Day with Brother Dillon
Day with Lay Minister Bert
Day showing a Sun/Moon Tapestry
High Priest Day consecrating Priestess Terese
A blessing ceremony during the Annual Gathering
Day with musicians Messenjah Selah and Michael
Priestess Phoebe shares her wisdom
High Priest Day with Priestess Phoebe
Priest Spence giving a talk on music
Day in 4th Grade
Day in 4th Grade
A consecration ceremony
A consecration ceremony
Priestess Terese sharing a teaching
An outdoor musical gathering of Essenes
The consecration of Lay Minister Bert
Brother Alef receiving consecration
Lay Minister Sarah shares a reading
Our camera man Brother Hewale deliberates on whether to run the camera or eat the pizza…
Brother Ras shares a reading
Lay Minister Bert shares wisdom
Brother Dillon receiving consecration
Day leads a ceremony circle
The consecration of Prietesses Terese and Michelle
Day at the first event held at Essene Garden of Peace in 2002
Day at the first event held at Essene Garden of Peace in 2002
Day and Reggae star Jah Levi have created a new Essene Reggae album in 2025
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