Fill out the Enrollment Form below and send it to us either by mail or by email if you are interested in enrolling in our Home Study Course called:
The Forty-Nine Petals of The Blue Rose
This Home Study Course is based on The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way.
Each of the 49 ‘petals’ is an open-book ‘assignment’. After completing just the first several ‘Petals’ you are eligible – but not required – to request membership in our church. Membership includes the vow of vegetarianism (can include dairy and/or eggs) and the agreement to send a monthly tithe (donation) of any size; members receive a special monthly teaching called Omnah. Those not ready to become a vegetarian can still study with us as non-members by joining Friends of the Essene Church. Members of our church and members of ‘Friends’ subscribe to ‘Essene Path’ (that quarterly journal is described at the bottom of this page; I suggest you subscribe now; $25 per year.)
To enroll in our Home Study Course – The Forty-Nine Petals of The Blue Rose – or to ask questions about the course and to find out the current cost and what other books and materials are included, please view the Enrollment Form pdf below. You can download and/or print the Enrollment Form by clicking the appropriate buttons in the top right corner of the pdf.
To subscribe to our quarterly journal called ESSENE PATH, send a check or money order of $25 made out to Essene Church to us at:
Essene Church, Box 516, Elmira, OR 97437
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